Climate Impact Lab, UNDP

Human Climate Horizons (HCH) is a data and insights platform providing localized information on future impacts of climate change across several dimensions of human development and human security. It is open access and scalable digital public good – a window to possible futures – fed by an evolving stream of multidisciplinary frontier research. It is the result of joint work of the Climate Impact Lab and the UNDP’s Human Development Report Office. Providing hyperlocal coverage for more than 24,000 regions worldwide, two different policy scenarios and time horizons through the end of 21st century, HCH provides everyone with empirically grounded data and information on the potential human costs of climate change, so everyone can play a role in choosing the path forward and helping to design adaptation and accelerate mitigation. In the first release, HCH brings forward the effects of climate change on mortality, labor, and energy demand. And this is the start, with research and data coming soon on coastal impacts and climate change’s potential to disrupt food production systems and damage to infrastructure.