Author(s): Rahman R, Zafarullah H

The purpose of this article was to explore the impacts of climate change on human health in Australia in general, and the state of Queensland in particular. We evaluated healthrelated services and adaptation challenges in the health sector and indicate possible remedies. The scientific consensus on the evidence for anthropogenic climate change is convincing. Climate change will have potentially devastating human health effects including increased morbidity, mortality and injury in the near future. Its impacts will be unevenly distributed among geographical regions and population groups. The elderly, children and people who are chronically ill and economically disadvantaged will be more vulnerable than others. Adaptation is a valuable tool for minimizing the effects of climate change on human health, but the mechanisms involve various societal, cultural, economic, political, environmental, information and technological challenges that need to be addressed rigorously and cautiously. Developing and designing appropriate healthcare systems to meet the challenges involved with adaptation is equally important in reducing the health effects of climate variability. There is an increased need for information about climatic impacts on human health and a need to increase institutional capacity, social and human capital, leadership, communication and partnerships as well as promoting stakeholders' engagement in the adaptation processes in order to ensure success.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.3354/cr01591