Author(s): Beltrame A, Angheben A, Bisoffi Z, Monteiro G, Marocco S, Calleri G, Lipani F, Gobbi F, Canta F, Castelli F, Gulletta M, Bigoni S, Del Punta V, Iacovazzi T, Romi R, Nicoletti L, Ciufolini MG, Rorato G, Negri C, Viale P

To the Editor: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection is a self-limiting illness characterized by fever, headache, weakness, rash, and arthralgia. Some patients have prolonged weakness or arthralgia lasting several months. In 2006, several Indian Ocean states and India had an outbreak of CHIKV infection (1,2). During the epidemicÕs peak, some European and American travelers returning from these areas were infected (3Ð6).

Journal: Emerging Infectious Diseases