RiX is a living repository of open-source global and national risk data to improve risk literacy and strengthen national risk data ecosystems. Launched in 2022, and with new features added every month, RiX is a multi-purpose platform harmonizing risk information to facilitate risk analysis.

What is RiX?

Open data and risk information is an essential element of sustainable development. RiX is an open access platform that builds on national efforts and connects them to relevant regional and global initiatives tracking risk. Information is organized to adhere to global standards, and aggregates risk data across traditionally siloed climate change, humanitarian and development networks. The RiX does not duplicate existing risk and climate data, instead it aggregates risk information and synthesizes data sources into a common platform accessible to all development and humanitarian actors.

The Risk Information Exchange (RiX) aggregates open-source information for sharing risk data among global and national end-users such as: government ministries and departments, including disaster management and civil protection agencies, sector planners, and finance and investment officials; UN, bilateral and other multilateral organizations; NGOs and INGOs; researchers; and the private sector.

To strengthen risk knowledge and contribute to efforts to improve national risk data ecosystems, RiX facilitates linkages between the providers and generators of risk information with end-users at country level. Improving risk knowledge, is fundamental to achieving the Sendai Framework and Paris Agreement, and contributing to national development and investment plans.

RiX is designed for scaleable coverage across multiple countries, with the first cluster including Costa Rica, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Eswatini, the Maldives, Bangladesh, and Fiji. Additional countries will be added to RiX, with a target of 52 countries by the end of 2022, and reaching 100 countries by the end of 2023. RiX is a key tool under the Global Risk Assessment Framework.

To support better access to and sharing of risk information, RiX draws from multiple sources to provide the best available risk, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, loss and damage, and climate data. RiX draws risk information that is high quality, reliable, and authoritative from government and UN sources, as well as global, regional, and third-party organizations.