Author(s): Landaverde-González P, Osgood J, Montenegro Quiñonez CA, Monzón V, Rodas A, Monroy C

Foodborne diseases are a neglected research area, and despite the existence of many tools for diagnosis and genetic studies, very little is known about the effect of the landscape on the genetic diversity and presence of parasites. One of these foodborne disease is paragonimiasis, caused by trematodes of the genus Paragonimus, which is responsible for a high number of infections in humans and wild animals. The main Paragonimus sp reported in Mesoamerica is Paragonimus mexicanus, yet there are doubts about its correct identification as a unique species throughout the region. This, together with a lack of detailed knowledge about their ecology, evolution and differentiation, may complicate the implementation of control strategies across the Mesoamerican region. We had the goal of delimiting the species of P. mexicanus found throughout Mesoamerica and determining the effect of landscape and geology on the diversity and presence of the parasite. We found support for the delimitation of five genetic groups. The genetic differentiation among these groups was positively affected by elevation and the isolation of river basins, while the parasite's presence was affected negatively only by the presence of human settlements. These results suggest that areas with lower elevation, connected rivers basins, and an absence of human settlements have low genetic differentiation and high P. mexicanus presence, which may increase the risk of Paragonimus infection. These demonstrate the importance of accurate species delimitation and consideration of the effect of landscape on Paragonimus in the proposal of adequate control strategies. However, other landscape variables cannot be discarded, including temperature, rainfall regime, and spatial scale (local, landscape and regional). These additional variables were not explored here, and should be considered in future studies.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2021.05.010