Author(s): Pires Bitencourt D, Alves Maia P and Cauduro Roscani R

Heat exposure is a major cause of health issues in outdoor workers. The aim of this study is to show a macro analysis of the heat exposure risk (HER) countrywide through the WBGT index. The index estimates are conducted from 50 years of meteorological observations. The HER takes into account the light, moderate, and heavy workloads, and the HER maps are separately generated decade by decade and season by season. It was found that HER has stronger effect on heavy workload workers during summer. It is even more critical in the Northern, Northeastern, and in part of Midwestern Brazil. There was HER increase in the last two decades, showing the need of applying control measures. It is very important taking continuous actions such as environmental and physiological monitoring, light clothing, and flexible work shifts.

Journal: Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health