Author(s): Masino C, Rubinstein E, Lem L, Purdy B, Rossos PG

OBJECTIVE: This study estimates the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from 840 telemedicine consultations completed in a 6-month time period. Our model considers GHG emissions for both vehicle and videoconferencing unit energy use. Cost avoidance factors are also discussed. MATERIALS and METHODS: Travel distances in kilometers were calculated for each appointment using postal code data and Google Maps Web-based map calculator tools. RESULTS: Including return travel, an estimated 757,234 km were avoided, resulting in a GHG emissions savings of 185,159 kg (185 metric tons) of carbon dioxide equivalents in vehicle emissions. Approximately 360,444 g of other air pollutant emissions was also avoided. The GHG emissions produced by energy consumption for videoconference units were estimated to be 42 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents emitted for this sample. CONCLUSIONS: The overall GHG emissions associated with videoconferencing unit energy is minor when compared with those avoided from vehicle use. In addition to improved patient-centered care and cost savings, environmental benefits provide additional incentives for the adoption of telemedicine services.

Journal: Telemedicine Journal and E-Health : The Official Journal of The American Telemedicine Association