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Countries | Dominican Republic

WMO Integrated Health Focal Points

Maria Zarzuela

WHO / UNFCCC Climate & Health Profile 2021

National Context

Country Background

The Dominican Republic is a developing country, considered middle income, which occupies two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The territory of the Dominican Republic consists of steep mountains and highlands, interspersed with fertile valleys. The climate, typically tropical, presents great diversity due to the orographic characteristics of the territory, spacing from the perhumid of the areas exposed to the trade winds, to the arid– pre-desert of the leeward areas to the main mountain chains. Seasonal variations in rainfall are observed, with severe storms experienced from June to October. The majority of the population lives along the coast (1). The Dominican Republic is one of the most exposed countries in the world to disasters caused by natural phenomena and, as such, is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Natural disasters have had a huge financial impact in the Dominican Republic, since individual hurricanes have cost up to 14% of gross domestic product (GDP) in damages (2).

Climate change is anticipated to increase the risk of extreme weather events, variations in precipitation, sea level rise, destruction of marine habitats, and rising temperatures. For human health, these changes could have significant direct and indirect detrimental effects, among which are: impacts in terms of food and water insecurity, in the generation and supply of electricity, population displacement, death, injuries and mental health due to extreme weather events, loss of livelihoods and the spread of vector-borne and waterborne diseases.

The Government of the Dominican Republic recognizes the country’s vulnerability to climate change and is actively working to increase its resilience. In 2015, the government submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC. Adaptation to climate change is identified as a constitutional priority in its NDC. Health is identified as a key sector to address the greatest vulnerabilities to climate change and it is also recognized that public health is severely affected by extreme weather events, with future climate changes that represent major threats to the population’s health (3).

Highest Priority Climate Sensitive Health Risks

Climate Hazards Relevant for Health

Climate Hazard Projections for Dominican Republic

Country-specific projections are outlined up to the year 2100 for climate hazards under a ‘business as usual’ high emissions scenario compared to projections under a ‘two-degree’ scenario with rapidly decreasing global emissions (see Figures 1–5). The climate model projections given below present climate hazards under a high emissions scenario, Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5 – in orange) and a low emissions scenario (RCP2.6 – in green). 1 1Model projections are from CMIP5 for RCP8.5 (high emissions) and RCP2.6 (low emissions). Model anomalies are added to the historical mean and smoothed.

The text describes the projected changes averaged across about 20 global climate models (thick line). The figures 2 2Analysis by the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, 2018. also show each model individually as well as the 90% model range (shaded) as a measure of uncertainty and the annual and smoothed observed record (in blue).3 3Observed historical record of mean temperature is from CRU-TSv3.26 and total precipitation is from GPCC. Observed historical records of extremes are from JRA55 for temperature and from GPCC-FDD for precipitation. In the following text the present-day baseline refers to the 30-year average for 1981–2010 and the end-of-century refers to the 30-year average for 2071–2100.

Modelling uncertainties associated with the relatively coarse spatial scale of the models compared with that of small island States are not explicitly represented. There are also issues associated with the availability and representativeness of observed data for such locations.

FIGURE 1: Mean annual temperature, 1900–2100

Under a high emissions scenario, the mean annual temperature is projected to rise by about 3.2°C on average by the end-of-century (i.e. 2071–2100 compared with 1981–2010). If emissions decrease rapidly, the temperature rise is limited to about 1.0°C.

FIGURE 2: Total annual precipitation, 1900–2100

Total annual precipitation is projected to decrease by about 16% on average under a high emissions scenario, although the uncertainty range is large (-43% to +4%). If emissions decrease rapidly, there is little projected change on average, with an uncertainty range of -8% to +9%.

FIGURE 3: Percentage of hot days (‘heat stress’), 1900–2100

The percentage of hot days4 4A ‘hot day’ (‘hot night’) is a day when maximum (minimum) temperature exceeds the 90th percentile threshold for that time of the year. is projected to increase substantially from about 10% of all observed days on average in 1981–2010. Under a high emissions scenario, about 95% of days on average are defined as ‘hot’ by the end-ofcentury. If emissions decrease rapidly, about 75% of days on average are ‘hot’. Note that the models overestimate the observed increase in hot days (about 25% of days on average in 1981–2010 rather than 10%). Similar increases are seen in hot nights (not shown).

FIGURE 4: Contribution to total annual rainfall from very wet days (‘extreme rainfall’ and ‘flood risk’), 1900–2100

The proportion of total annual rainfall from very wet days5 5The proportion (%) of annual rainfall totals that falls during very wet days, defined as days that are at least as wet as the historically 5% wettest of all days (about 30% for 1981–2010) shows little change on average by the end-of-century although the uncertainty range is somewhat larger (about 10% to almost 50% under a high emissions scenario). Total annual rainfall is projected to decrease under a high emissions scenario (see Figure 2).

FIGURE 5: Standardized Precipitation Index (‘drought’), 1900–2100

The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a widely used drought index which expresses rainfall deficits/excesses over timescales ranging from 1 to 36 months (here 12 months, i.e. SPI12).6 6SPI is unitless but can be used to categorize different severities of drought (wet): above +2.0 extremely wet; +2.0 to +1.5 severely wet; +1.5 to +1.0 moderately wet; +1.0 to +0.5 slightly wet; +0.5 to -0.5 near normal conditions; -0.5 to -1.0 slight drought; -1.0 to -1.5 moderate drought; -1.5 to -2.0 severe drought; below -2.0 extreme drought. It shows how at the same time extremely dry and extremely wet conditions, relative to the average local conditions, change in frequency and/or intensity.

Under a high emissions scenario, SPI12 values are projected to decrease to about -0.6 on average by the end of the century (2071–2100), with a number of models indicating substantially larger decreases and hence more frequent and/or intense drought. Year-to-year variability remains large with wet episodes continuing to occur into the future.

Future rainfall projections at a subnational level

Future climate scenarios based on historical climate data for the Dominican Republic provided by the National Meteorological Office (ONAMET) and analysed by experts from the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), concluded :

  • The conditions of total annual precipitation by 2050 may decrease by 15% on average throughout the national territory, aggravating the decrease to values of 17% by 2070, compared to the average of the baseline 1950–2000.7 7The consistency between the models under a radiative forcing of 8.5 W / m2 on the conditions of decrease in annual rainfall totals is 87%.
  • The southern and western regions of the country will be the most affected by the decrease in rainfall by 2050 and 2070, while the eastern and northern regions could even show even small positive changes.8 8The condition of decrease in total annual precipitation could be further accentuated by 2050/2070 in the regions of Ozama (18% / 20%), Valdesia (17.5% / 20%), Enriquillo (17% / 20%), Higuamo (16% / 18%) and Cibao Sur (15% / 17%). The other regions may experience changes of less than 15%. Only one model shows positive values by 2050 in Cibao Noroeste (1.3%), Cibao Norte (0.9%) and Yuma (0.1%) where it would only increase in Yuma (4.5%) by 2070.
  • The total monthly precipitation during the dry season may decrease drastically by 2050 and 2070.9 9On a timely basis and under any type of radiative forcing the models mostly coincide in a decrease in the total rainfall of up to 50% (Jimaní, La Unión, San Juan , Santiago and Santo Domingo) and decreases of between 10% and 30% (Arroyo Barril, Las Américas, Herrera, Punta Cana, Barahona and S. De la Mar) between the months of December and January–April period with respect to those presented in average in the past 3 decades.
  • The beginning of the rainy season in May and June could present a sudden increase in the total accumulated rainfall.10 10There is a coincidence in the results of the models presenting increases of more than 100% (mainly in Herrera, Barahona and San Juan), while in the majority of cases there is also a great variability in the results. The case of Barahona stands out, where there is a great coincidence in the results on a decrease of around -120% compared to those presented on average in the past 3 decades.


The period of relative droughts between the months of July–August could be more intense.

Tropical cyclones

It is anticipated that the total number of tropical cyclones may decrease towards the end of the century. However, it is likely that human-induced warming will make cyclones more intense (an increase in wind speed of 2–11% for a mid-range scenario (i.e. RCP4.5 which lies between RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 – shown on pages 4–5) or about 5% for 2˚C global warming). Projections suggest that the most intense events (category 4 and 5) will become more frequent (although these projections are particularly sensitive to the spatial resolution of the models). It is also likely that average precipitation rates within 100 km of the storm centre will increase – by a maximum of about 10% per degree of warming. Such increases in rainfall rate would be exacerbated if tropical cyclone translation speeds continue to slow (5–12).

Sea level rise

Sea level rise is one of the most significant threats to low-lying areas on small islands and atolls. Research indicates that rates of global mean sea level rise are almost certainly accelerating as a result of climate change. The relatively long response times to global warming mean that sea level will continue to rise for a considerable time after any reduction in emissions.

The average change in Caribbean sea level over the period 1993–2010 (13) is projected at 1.7 mm/year (± 1.3), with substantial spatial variability across the region. A further 0.5–0.6m rise is expected in the Caribbean by the end of the century (14) with variation amongst models and emissions scenarios.

The relatively long response times to global warming mean that sea level will continue to rise for a considerable time after any reduction in emissions.

Potential impacts of sea level rise include:

  • Coastal erosion
  • Ecosystem disruption
  • Higher storm surges
  • Population displacement
  • Water contamination and disruption
  • Mental health

Health Impacts of Climate Change

National Response

Health System Capacity and Adaptation: Monitoring Progress

The following section measures progress in the health sector in responding to climate threats based on country reported data collected in the 2021 WHO Health and Climate Change Country Survey (32).

Governance And Leadership

National Planning for Health and Climate Change

Question questioncategory question Answer
Has a national health and climate change strategy or plan been developed ? NO
Are the health co-benefits of climate change mitigation action considered in the strategy/plan? NO
Level of implementation of the strategy/plan? NO
Portion of estimated costs to implement the strategy/plan covered in the health budget N/A
Are health adaptation priorities identified in the strategy/plan? NO
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A).
Definition: In this context, a national strategy or plan is a broad term that includes national health and climate strategies as well as the health component of national adaptation plans (H-NAPs).

Intersectoral Collaboration to Address Climate Change

Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy?

Question questioncategory question Answer
Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Transportation NO
Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Electricity generation NO
Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Household energy NO
Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Agriculture NO
Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Social services NO
Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Water, Sanitation & Waste-water management NO
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)
Yes = Specific roles and responsibilities between the national health authority and the sector indicated are defined in the agreement.

Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments for Health

Question questioncategory question Answer
Has an assessment of health vulnerability and impacts of climate change been conducted at a national level? NO
→ Level of influence of the assessment findings on policy prioritization to address the health risks of climate change Unknown
→ Level of influence of the assessment findings on human and financial resource allocation to address the health risks of climate change Unknown
Table Legend:
Question 1: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)
Questions 2 and 3: None, Minimal, Somewhat, Strong

Climate-sensitive diseases and health outcomes qid Health surveillance system is in place (a) Health surveillance system includes meteorological information (b)
Thermal stress (e.g. heat waves) 22111 NO NO
Vector-borne diseases 22121 YES NO
Foodborne diseases 22131 YES NO
Waterborne diseases 22141 YES NO
Nutrition (e.g. malnutrition associated with extreme-climatic events) 22151 NO
Injuries (e.g. physical injuries or drowning in extreme weather events) 22161 NO NO
Mental health and well-being 22171 NO NO
Airborne and respiratory diseases 22181 YES
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)
(a) A positive response indicates that the health surveillance system is in place, it will identify changing health risks or impacts AND it will trigger early action.
(b) Meteorological information refers to either short-term weather information, seasonal climate information OR long-term climate information

Climate hazard qid Health early warning system (HEWS) in place? Health sector response plan in place? Health sector response plan includes meteorological information?
Heat waves 23111 YES YES YES
Storms (e.g. hurricanes, monsoons, typhoons) 23131 YES YES YES
Flooding 23141 YES YES YES
Drought 23161 NO NO NO
Air quality (e.g. particulate matter, ozone levels) 23171
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)

Human Resource Capacity

Question questioncategory question Answer
Is there a national curriculum developed to train health personnel on the health impacts of climate change? NO
Does your human resource capacity as measured through the International Health Regulations Monitoring Framework (IHR) adequately consider the human resource requirements to respond to climate-related events? COMPLETELY
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)

Health Care Facilities, Infrastructure and Technology

Question questioncategory question Answer
Has there been a national assessment of the climate resilience of health infrastructure and technology?
Have measures been taken to increase the climate resilience of health infrastructure and technology?
Is there a national initiative/programme in place to promote the use of low-carbon, energy-efficient, sustainable technologies in the health sector?
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)


Question questioncategory question Answer
Is your government currently accessing international funds to support climate change and health work? NO
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)

Funding Challenges

Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds

Question questioncategory question Answer
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Lack of information on the opportunities YES
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Lack of country eligibility
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Lack of connection by health actors to climate change processes YES
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Lack of capacity to prepare country proposals
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Lack of success in submitted applications
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds None (no challenges/challenges were minimal)
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Not applicable
Greatest challenges faced in accessing international climate funds Other (please specify)
Table Legend: Yes (√) / No (X) / Unknown/Not applicable (N/A)

Opportunities for Action

Strengthen the Implementation of the Climate and Health Strategic Action Plan

Clarify and articulate institutional roles, and incorporate the necessary budget items to carry out the defined activities in national climate change instruments.

Include the Climate Variability Factor in Integrated Risk Management and Early Warning Systems

Establish integrated risk monitoring that includes a preventive approach to climate variability, which should contribute to the strengthening of the platform for dialogue and decision-making.

Improve Access to International Financing for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Health Sector

Improve access to the sources of additional financing to help promote policy implementation and expand risk monitoring and early warning systems.

Identify the Co-benefits of Mitigation Actions of Climate Change in the Health Sector

Identify the co-benefits of existing mitigation measures in the well-being of mental and physical health of Dominicans.

Build Health Infrastructure Resilient to Climate Change

Prevent the devastating impacts of climate change on access and provision of health services, including a commitment to sustainable low emission practices to promote a recovery environment and mitigate the impacts of climate change.


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